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20ft container double turnstile

Including walkway gate

Discover the mobile container with double turnstile from Geran Access Products BV. A safe and efficient solution for temporary access control, ideal for construction sites or vacant properties. This product is specifically designed for sale to various companies, including rental firms. We provide a fully installed, perfect for companies wanting to optimize their own rental activities without having to delve into technical complexities.

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Delivery after consultation

The mobile turnstile container from Geran Access Products BV is specifically designed to provide flexible access control for temporary locations. Whether you are managing a construction project or need temporary security for vacant properties, our solution adapts to your needs.

The container is equipped with a double turnstile that facilitates the smooth flow of large groups of people while effectively preventing unauthorized access. Additionally, this container includes a sealed space that can be set up as an office unit. This solution is delivered fully assembled, simplifying and accelerating implementation on site.

Our collaboration with partners ensures that we provide not only the technical installation but also a fully rentable product. As the link between rental and technology, we guarantee smooth integration of these systems into your operational activities.

Opt for the mobile turnstile container from Geran Access Products BV and experience the perfect combination of safety, efficiency, and convenience.

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Product specifications
Dimensions 6060 × 2044 × 2059 mm
20ft container with double turnstile and walkway gate – Flyer (GB) (417 KB)
Product video
Over 30 years of experience
Large stock
Great product knowledge

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Quotation request form

Complete the form below, giving a brief description of the situation and requirements.
We will contact you a.s.a.p. to provide a competitive quote.