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Access control
Everyone in the Netherlands has visited a football stadium. Isn’t it for a football match, or for a festival or music concert. When entering these stadiums, it is customary to go through the entrance control first. As the word says, it is checked whether you are allowed to enter the stadium. This will be determined on the basis of the barcode on your ticket. You can scan the barcode on the entrance gates You will then have the opportunity to search before you are actually allowed to enter the stadium. If your barcode is not valid, you will not be allowed to enter the stadium. In this case, the relevant security guards will direct you to the exit. This can happen when false entrance tickets are in circulation.
Entrance products
In addition to access controls at football stadiums, there are many other places where this occurs. A company that realizes complete access controls is Geran Access Products. They design tailor-made access products for their customers that are equipped with all conveniences. An example of this are the access lanes mentioned above. There are also so-called billentikkers that you often see at swimming pools or gyms. The barrier is also a form of access control. These are often placed at car parks, but also at construction sites. In this case, access is usually granted by means of an access code or ticket. For the latter you often have to pay first before you can leave the site.
Construction site safety requirements
The purpose of securing a construction site is to keep unauthorised persons out. That is why a building site is often provided with the necessary fencing in addition to a barrier. By means of an access control you, as a contractor, keep an overview of who is on the construction site. However, it is not only easy to keep track of who is on the construction site, but also complies with government regulations. Nowadays, the government imposes increasingly strict requirements on access controls. The main contractor is obliged to register authorised persons such as employees, guests and subcontractors.