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20ft container with turnstile

Including walkway gate

Discover our 20ft. container with a single turnstile from Geran Access Products BV. This safe and efficient solution is ideal for temporary access control and is often used on construction sites. This container with a single turnstile provides access to employees or individuals. The container space next to the turnstile can be set up as an office unit, which can serve as a reception area, for example.

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Delivery after consultation

The 20ft. container with a single turnstile from Geran Access Products BV is specifically designed to provide an efficient and flexible solution for access control at temporary locations. This option is perfect for (construction) sites where a lower flow of people is desired, but where safety and control remain a priority. For locations with a higher flow, consider the 20ft. container with a double turnstile.

The container is equipped with a single turnstile that offers streamlined access while minimizing the risk of unauthorized entry. The remaining space inside the container is larger compared to models with a double turnstile, which offers more possibilities for setting up, such as an extended office unit. This provides a comfortable workplace directly on site.

Like our other products, this container is delivered fully assembled, making installation on site quick and easy. Our collaboration with partners ensures that we not only provide the technical installation but also offer a fully rentable product. Opt for our 20ft. container with a single turnstile and benefit from the ideal combination of functionality, safety, and space.

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Product specifications
Dimensions 6060 × 2044 × 2059 mm
Product video
Over 30 years of experience
Large stock
Great product knowledge

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