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Titan XL

Galvanised - 4 arm - extra wide - full height
Article number (SKU): TT4EASGE

Looking for a turnstile that meets specific needs? Our turnstiles with extended arms can be customized to your desired dimensions. By extending the arms of the standard turnstile, we ensure that it accommodates items like strollers or wheelchairs. Keep reading to discover how our turnstile with extended arms meets your unique access requirements.

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Explore our custom-made turnstiles, the perfect solution for access control to shield specific business areas or for general indoor or outdoor security. Whether you need a full-height or lower turnstile made of stainless steel or galvanized material, we tailor the standard turnstile to your preferences. Opt for extended arms, for example, to create a wide passage for wheelchair or stroller access.

Check out our product images for various examples of custom-made turnstiles, such as a full-height, 4-arm turnstile with a width of 2300 mm or a Triumph-style turnstile with a passage width of 900 mm.

Discover how these turnstiles provide a robust solution for your customized access control needs and request a quote today!

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Product specifications
Dimensions 2300 × 1930 mm


Type of material


Weather resistance

Inside and outside use

Turnstile with extended arms – Exploded view (GB) (146 KB)
Product video
Over 30 years of experience
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